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Part 2: Field Guide

Eight Ways to Create Smiles in the Workplace

A workplace that has happy-smiling employees doesn’t just happen; in one form or another, it’s created. The same goes for a workplace that is loaded with disgruntled employees that carry frowns on their faces most of the time. 

Studies have proven that happy–smiling employees are far more productive than those that aren’t.

The little extras can make a huge difference. Here are eight easy tips to help you create a happy-smiling work environment.

1.) It Starts with Leadership: If you don’t smile, don’t expect your employees to smile! It starts with you and your leadership team.

2.) Joke of the Day/Week:  Everyone loves a cute and appropriate joke. Signs hung throughout the workplace or even a daily/weekly email delivering a joke will always make people smile!

3.) Theme Days/Potluck Lunches:  They are just fun and a great way to get employees to interact with one another. Example: Football Friday - invite employees to wear or display something from their favorite team, or  October Fest (maybe without the beer) - bring your favorite German recipe, Lederhosen are optional!

4.) Quotes:  Like water droplets on a rock, positive quotes will gradually have a major impact on employees' attitudes.

5.) Create Playful Titles:  Give your employees titles that are fun and whimsical. Example: The receptionist can be given the title of “Director of First Impressions”. 

6.) Create a “Fun” Break Room/Lounge:  Break rooms are typically mundane. A fresh coat of paint, fun artwork, and some creative fun furniture can brighten up a moment, a break, or an entire lunch. 

7.) Suggestion Box: Ask your employees for their suggestions on how to make the workplace a happier (more smiles) place.

8.) Culture:  It’s only a word until you see it in action. But keep in mind, it’s a two-way street. Everything above will help create a happier, more positive environment. You must take action that creates a happier environment. Words aren’t enough.

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