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Part 2 – Field Guide

11 Easy Ways to WOW Your Customers

It’s the differentiator between you and your competition. Creating a “WOW Factor” is what makes your customers loyal to your business. The “WOW” is what reinforces your brand, creates a more solid relationship, and generates repeat business.

We won’t go as far as saying that creating and implementing WOW factors is easy because it’s not. It takes a concerted and ongoing effort to make it effective, but it’s well worth it.  

We have all heard that creating a new customer is the hard and expensive part, but keeping your customers is the secret to success. “WOWING” them, in one form or another, is a proven way to make sure they remain your customer.

Because today's consumers are satisfied with just “ok” service, “WOWING” them is easier than it’s ever been. By implementing some easy and cost-effective, or no cost at all, initiatives into your business plan, you too can start WOWING your customers.

Wow Tip #1:  Give Them More Than They Expect. This of course will vary from business to business and category to category but offering a little bit more than they expected (without them asking) can go a long way toward “WOWING” them.

Wow Tip #2:  A Simple Phone Call. At the end of the day or within a day or two of your customer making a purchase, call them (not text or email) and ask them if they are satisfied or how they are doing. The question will of course be based on the product or service you provided. Each call should take less than 60 seconds. This is best if it comes from the owner or manager, but the WOW will be felt regardless of whom within your business makes the call.

Wow Tip #3:  Send a Handwritten Note. In today's world of technology, a handwritten note can add a heartfelt punch and show your customers that you really care.

Wow Tip #4:  Stick to Your Word. Sounds simple right, but how many times has a business fallen short? If you say you’ll call them back within the hour, call them back, even if you don’t have the answer. Sticking to your word and following through has a tremendously positive impact.

Wow Tip #5:  Respond Quickly. The quicker the better. Again, this sounds simple. If a potential customer reaches out to you, they are at some level interested in what you offer. Even if they say, “You can get back to me later”, sooner is better. If you put it off until later, they may assume that is your pace of conducting all of your business.

Wow Tip #6:  Make Doing Business With You Easy.  Consumers like easy and hassle-free. Analyze every aspect of your purchase process and make sure that it's as easy as possible. Do not make customers jump through hoops to do business with you. If they have to jump through hoops, they’ll discontinue the relationship.

Wow Tip #7:  Special VIP Events. Create and execute special events for your VIP customers/clients. Everyone likes to feel special, and an exclusive event is one way to do this. 

Wow Tip #8:  Do Regular Check-Ins. This can be done via, text, email, or phone call (a phone call is best). Either way, a simple “just checking in” to see how you (you and your family) are doing coming from out of the blue is a great way to create a huge WOW factor. Make a list and set a goal to call X number of customers per day. It does take a little time, but it costs you nothing to do. With just 2 touches a day, 2 times a year, you can reach over 260 customers a year.

Wow Tip #9:  Share Notable Information. Information is power. If you have information on how you can make your customer's or client's life better, safer, happier, easier, or wealthier, they will appreciate it. Share it with them. 

Wow Tip #10:  Empower Your Employees. It's always more impactful when an employee can handle a situation without having to go to management for approval. Train your employees, then empower them, and allow them to make decisions. The more empowered your employees feel, the better they will represent your company. It’s a win-win situation. The Ritz Carlton Hotel and Nordstrom’s department stores have proven this with over-the-top customer service ratings. Their employees are given the training and then encouraged to make decisions that are based on what is best for the customer, not the company.

Wow Tip #11: Reward and Recognize Your Employees.  Once you task your employees with “WOWING” your customers, make sure you recognize them and even reward them from time to time. Before you know it, you’ll have created a culture where this is the norm and not the exception.  It’s a win-win!  The more often and better your employees WOW your customers and clients, the more loyal they will become to your business.

SoundADvice is a co-production of this station and ENS Media USA to help local businesses increase their sales and their return on investment in advertising. Your SoundADvice marketing tips are emailed to you on our behalf from ENS Media USA.

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