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Part 2: Field Guide

Employee Survey Questions 

The past three years have created a working environment where employees feel empowered to speak out. Employees demand to be heard. It’s management’s job to make sure they feel like they are being listened to and that they are part of the process.

One of the most important traits that a business owner can have is the ability to show that they care for their employees as people.

By conducting a survey and sending a message that you are always trying to improve the environment in the workplace, you will show them you care about them.  Remember, DO NOT ask them to show their names.   

Other ideas you may want to consider for your survey are:   Have your employees rate each category on a scale of 1 to 10; Leave space for comments; Offer everyone the opportunity to visit with ownership or management if they have concerns.  

Here are 12 survey questions that will help you measure your employees’ happiness levels:

1) Does this company care about my success?

2)  Do you feel like you have an opportunity to grow within our company?

3)  Do you feel your opinions count?

4)  Have you received positive recognition in the past thirty days?

5)  Have you received constructive feedback in the past thirty days?

6)  Do you have the materials, supplies, and equipment to do your job well?

7)  Do you feel you have enough flexibility in your job?

8)  Do you know what is expected of you every day when you come to work?

9)  Do you feel our company is respected within the community and industry?

10)  Do you feel your compensation is fair and competitive within our community and industry?

11)  Do you feel appreciated as an employee of this company?

12)  Do you enjoy the relationships with your coworkers?

Feel free to add other questions to your survey, but make sure that you do not make your employees feel threatened in any way!  The survey is to make them feel that you are trying to improve and that you value their opinion.  

SoundADvice is a co-production of this station and ENS Media USA to help local businesses increase their sales and their return on investment in advertising. Your SoundADvice marketing tips are emailed to you on our behalf from ENS Media USA.

ENS Media USA's address is: 6523 S. Killarney Ct., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108

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